Monday, August 16, 2010

Is it considered cheating when your boyfriend e-mails girls that he has had previous relations with?

my boyfried and i have agreed to not contact any of our ex's. i found out that he has been e-mailing a few of his, he said that he would stop but hasn't. is this considered cheating? how would you deal with it?Is it considered cheating when your boyfriend e-mails girls that he has had previous relations with?
I don't consider it cheating BUT......

you do have the right to give him an obviously don't like it......and he obviously doesn't care...Is it considered cheating when your boyfriend e-mails girls that he has had previous relations with?
I dont consider it cheating but I would talk to him about it...I sure wouldnt like it.
It depends on what you both decided was okay in the relationship.Also if he lets you see the emails.
depends is he sending them emails discussing sexual situations or are they just being friends discussing life. i keep in touch with alot of the women i have had relations with because we are still friends. dont jump to conclusions unless you have a reason to. it is not cheating but if you diapprove of it let him know that.
you need to tell him to stop or leave him partners who do this **** even tho you tell them you dont like are extrmely selfish there is no need watsoever to talk to or be friends with your ex

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