Friday, August 20, 2010

How to deal with an extremely jealous boyfriend?

I love this guy very, very much, but he is ruining the relationship with all his insane jealousy. I'm an attractive woman, and every man that I talk to he thinks ther's something going on. I even got to the point of avoiding having conversations with men, cause I know he's going to give me the third degree. I have never cheated on him, nor I ever felt like it. Sometimes I feel I can't stand it anymore and I want to end it all, but I love him so much and this is the only problem we have, and it's a big one. Any one out there with any ideas of what should I do to make him be less jealous and insecure about me (and yes, I tell him I l love him very much, I'm not interested in anyone, etc, all the time)? I appreciate your answers :)How to deal with an extremely jealous boyfriend?
Ok - what is it precisely that you 'love' that this guy provides? Sounds like he has correctly identified a need you are barely conscious of yourself and has made himself the sole provider of it. Because of your lack of awareness, this guy is fearful that you will learn what it is and get it from some other man. You need to find out what your own needs are and be able to articulate them very clearly. Once you can you will have to face your guy and tell him you know precisely what it is that you get out of your relationship and that you have chosen him and only him. However, you will also have to say to him that you find certain aspects of his behaviour unacceptable and that in order for your relationship to continue he must curb these things. Tell him precisely what he must stop doing or precisely what he must do instead. If he does not follow through you have no option but to terminate this relationship.How to deal with an extremely jealous boyfriend?
it isn't going to get better. dump him
you have to put up with so much and he is ruining things. you want to end it don't know the meaning of the word love.
Your first mistake is the ';what can I do about it'; question. Cycles of abusive relationships start with signs of extreme jealousy. It has more to do with his feelings of insecurity than anything you have done. Read up on signs of abusive relationships and recognize behaviors before things get worse, and accept what you have and don't have controll over.
Tell him a dude on the Yahoo, ask... Told you too tell him too Grow a SPINE!

Whimpering little welp... giving us secure men a bad name. If he isn't tough enough too take the heat tell him to get out of the kitchen and your way cause you have a life to live and his stupid jealousy will destroy the relationship.... and that is warning #1..and he only gets 3 warnings...

so ***** slap him and tell him to stop his immaturity and trust you have a brain between your ears...

if he doesn't stop...

dump him....
Oh, my dear, there is nothing wrong with him. Why are you so obsessed with owning him? Why can you live not one day without him? Why is his constant, obsessive attention such a turn on to you? Answer these questions, and you have the answers to what is wrong with you--not him.
sounds very insecure... talk to him about it... tell him that if u didnt love him u wouldnt be with him.. if he still cant understand... i suggest u leave him.. cause he wont change {}
Dump that guy and don't give him a chance to sweet-talk you into returning. He is dangerous. He will abuse you. I'm sure he is charming. Abusers always are, and jealously is not love.

Love is good. Jealousy is evil.

Men that love their wives and girlfriends don鈥檛 expect perfection. Jealous men think of their lovers as possessions and not as independent people and go into a rage over any imperfection.

Love is trust. Jealousy is suspicion.

Men that love have confidence and high self-esteem. Jealous men are envious and lack of self worth.

Love is warm, tender and compassionate. Jealousy is rage.

Love is forgiving. Jealousy is unforgiving.

Men that love will lift their wives and lovers to the sky and give them freedom to be all that they can be. Jealous men control and confine, and will pull down their wives and girlfriends to their level and trample them under their feet. As a result, women that are loved will try to live up to expectations. Wives and lovers, who are belittled, spied on, questioned, denied privacy, and subjected to constant defamation and accusations, tend to live down to the suspicions of jealous men. After all, how can a wife maintain any self-esteem in those circumstances?
there is no room for jealousy in a relationship. that only brings fights.get rid of him.
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