My boyfriend and I started dating just over a year ago. He was still married at the time but very unhappy and his ex was cheating on him. They have a 16 year old daughter. she's been getting in trouble (using drugs and stealing things). Saturday her mother dropped her off at our apartment and told my bf that she found cocaine in their daughter's bag. And she was grounded for 3 weeks for stealing. He told me, but didn't say anything about it to his daughter. Yesterday morning she left, just took off. We went out looking for her but couldn't find her. My bf called his ex just to let her know. But about 2 hours later his ex called and yelled into the phone ';you and Melissa need to come downstairs NOW'; so we did. i get downstairs and she starts screaming at me. Saying that her daughter called her crying because I told her that her mom found cocaine in her bag and she was going to be in more trouble. I just walked away from her because that's the 3rd or 4th time she's done that to me.How to deal with my boyfriend's ex-wife and daughter?
The best thing for you to do is nothing at all. Let the boyfriend deal with it. Its his problem.How to deal with my boyfriend's ex-wife and daughter?
I know what you are going through. I have six step kids. Unfortunately, you can't get in the middle of the problem with the daughter. It's between the two parents to deal with. But what you can do is express your opinion with your bf and let him know that he should consider your feelings because the kid is coming into your home and you have the right to want to keep peace in your home. As far as the ex goes, your bf should stand up for you and tell her that he will not permit her to disrespect you. You all need to speak to each other in a civil manner and if she doesn't want to comply with that, then maybe they need to find someone who will act as the middle man even if it involves the court to appoint someone. The daughter is feeding off of all of this and knows as long as the adults are arguing, the attention will not be on her. Sounds like she needs a stint in juvey for unruly child or maybe rehab. If you really love this guy, hang in there. In two years she will be 18 and she will be held accountable for her actions, not her parents.
Obviously the child has had some issues for a while now and serious ones. I would either leave it up to the boyfriend to deal with as I don't think the mother or daughter are going to listen to you or if you can't deal with it move on. It sucks being in your position but the parents are the ones who are enabling the child to act as she does. Not much you can do. Either accept it for a few more years until she is 18 or get out of the relationship.
I am married to a man who has a loose cannon ex and three children. If I knew then what I know now about the trouble these people (blended family) can cause in a relationship, I probably never would have given my husband the first hello. However I did and I am crazy about him....he is a good man and a rare find. You are lucky that the daughter is 16. That only leaves two years of the constant raising of her between mother and father....however if she is a big screw up there may be lingering involvement with the ex in the future. I don't know, I haven't gotten there yet....oldest here is 16 and youngest is 11. The life of the blended family is a hard one. The next wife and step mother is the hardest job I have ever done. You are taken for granted, used as a whipping post, advised to never get involved in his first family's conflicts and still are required to sit still as you take the blame for many things that aren't your fault....even lied about on a weekly basis. If you truly love this man, read about blended family issues....this will be the hardest role you will ever accept into your will be the best reading you have ever done for self awareness and will help you make a sound decision on what you want for your future. These people are not going to go away.....they become a part of you.
If I were you I would stay right out of it. Let her parents deal with it .
Let her Dad take her out for visits by himself for a while till things settle down.
Her parents need to get a united front about this, if shes becomming involved in drugs.......well thats not a good road to go down.
Good Luck
This guy must really be something, because I wouldn't want to be in this mess. Just do as you have been, staying out. When this witch goes off on you tell your boyfriend to deal with her and walk away. If he doesn't get his daughter help things will never change. He doesn't need his ex to do that. If she fights him he can get the family courts involved. Good luck to you though, you need it...
You are being used by a very manipulative couple of women - the child and her mother. Refuse to engage with either of them. If you really want to stay with your bf you will have to set some ground rules - and keeping his previous relationships out of yours should be a priority.
well I would say your bf needs to stop being a pushover and so do you. if you find cocaine in your house that belongs to his daughter then I would say call the police and put her in jail for several months since she's a minor her records can be sealed (expunged). Your bf needs to have a talk with his ex-wife and say that your he will not have her disrepecting you in his house and you need to say that you won't stand for it in your house.
This is not your problem and I would stay out of it.
Let the parents deal with their daughter......and you can be a shoulder to cry on if your boyfriend needs to.
My sympathies to you, if possible, stay out of the problems with the daughter and let your bf and his x handle everything. I know it will be hard to keep quiet about things but the x is going to try and find some way to blame you for all the problems and not take the responsibility on herself. The best you can do is just be there to support your bf and be available if and when the daughter decides she needs someone to talk to. Listen to her but don't judge her, just let her know that you are there for her. If the X calls/comes by again and starts getting on you, just calmly tell her that you are not listening to her until she can talk to you in a normal voice and that the problems with her daughter are between her and her x.
I wish you the best of luck...
your bf needs to get this girl some help with the drug prob and it sounds like her mom lets her do whatever ground for for 3 weeks cause she found drugs is that all she's doing and listen your soon be her stepmom whey ya'll get married you might not be her biological mom but your be as much part of her life as her mom I am a step mom to a 14 yr old and he knows to respect me and yeah his mom hates me to but I don't let her yell at me and try to run over me I give it right back to her stand your ground does your bf stand up for you what does he say when his ex starts yelling at you he needs to put her in her place his ex no longer has controll over what he does in his own house with his daughter good luck
I think that you should move out for a while. Your boyfriend needs to concentrate on being a dad to his daughter. She is acting out to get attention.
You really need to stay out of it. I know that this is difficult. You guys can still see each other just not all the time.
He needs to focus his attention on his daughter. She is a child and he needs to be there for her. You are an adult and you can wait until she is better.
Good Luck and go do something nice for yourself.
I agree with Angela J....
Don't let Melissa's mum drag you down. You know how the game is played, therefore; dig your heels in and tell yourself that you refuse to get dragged into this mess....something you have no control over.
We're all responsible for our own happiness. Until we realise this, the vicious cycle will continue.
The next time she ';orders'; you downstairs, just tell her politely that you won't be treated this way.
Good luck...
OK this is touchy but my husband has a daughter and i have 3 sons here the deal for me I never get involved in the decipline and or drama with his daughter i step back and listen to him talk but i only give my opinion to him . Its is his choice to take it or not and he does the same with my son's. Tell your husband you will not be involved when it comes to him, the ex and the daughter exsept to support him or you giveHim your opinion and that way these things will not pull you 2 apart as for the ex try to never talk to her unless you absolutely half to. If you get involved you are risking your relationship. NO where you stand!
Good Luck! you can still be friends with the daughter but just don t get involved in her dramas and troubles she has a mom already!
You need to let your boyfriend handle his daughter and his ex-wife.
Do not ever let the ex-wife tell you what to do ';you and Melissa need to come downstairs NOW'; complete and total BS. You are not responsible for her daughter in the slightest, so you do not need to obey her orders. Stay out of it.
If your boyfriend doesn't stand up for you and tell the ex that you didn't say anything to the daughter about the drugs, then you should probably start looking for a better who will stand by you and quit being loyal to his ex-wife...sorry to say that, but it's true....many men are loyal to the woman who had their child.
Whatever you do, break off any contact you have with the ex-wife and never do what she says. She has no authority over you....and make sure that boyfriend of yours has your back.
Good luck.
well if you look at it from her shoes a 16 yr old, broken family thinks your one thats tearing them apart.... etc she is gonna act up to get a reaction which in turn gives attention. thats all she after an she knows she can play them off against each other one way or another. my advice would be if ur bf turns round an mentions things about her just dont get involved and tell him he needs to talk to his daughter himself an work it out. thats all she wants is attention so why doesnt he not give it to her by talking to her about her actions. hope this is of some help
Firstly I am concerned that your boyfriend was still amrried when you started to date him. One thing to remember is tht ready made families come with ready made problems that were formed before you came on the scene. Secondly you are not married to this man neither are you the daughter's mother and not popular with the ex-wife with whom your boyfriend has history and a child. The fact you steped into this suitation tells me about your need to be needed... but this is not your fight at least not yet.. untill you are married into the family it is better to allow business as usual with this family to continue with its dysfunction ... If you step back you might see a little better and know what you are getting into...
if u're engaged,theiris no such thing as ';his problem';its a package deal.that approach gives up your right to hav an opinion.the approach is transitive.meaning:you establish the rules of your home with him.he in turn,establishes rules of visitation with his ex.he then establishes rules,in front of you ,with his child.i hav custody of my 2.its the only thing that works.
I live a life with a husband who has 4 daughters and 2 moms. There is drama and I have learned the hard way to not make comments or involve myself in any way possible. For me, this has been one of the things in our relationship that I cannot ever win. It hasn't been said, but, whenever my husband tries to discuss the girls, I just say that I'm sure that they will work it all out. I cannot allow myself to get emotionally involved because I always come out a loser in this one. It has always come back to haunt me.
If the woman has a drug problem, my recommendation is to keep your things locked away somewhere. It's unfortunate but that's the way it is. Good luck.
Sounds like my ex. This woman hates the fact that your boyfriend and you have started a relationship. She will take out anything and everything on you and never accept responsibility for her own actions, or lack of actions. The kids is also a user and has seen her mother do it soooo many times that the kids may be just as good as the mother.
If you really love this guy, tell him to handle it because it is driving you crazy and it is driving a wedge between the two of you. Sounds as if the whole family needs counseling and the kid should be sent away to get cleaned up.
Wish you well...
You and your b/f really need to sit down and have a long talk.
The daughter needs to be made aware of the fact that all of
you know what she is doing and it is not acceptable. Your b/f
needs to discuss this w/the ex and make it known her behavior is also unacceptable. You may be caught in the
middle (so to speak) but she (the ex) has no right taking out
her anger on you even if you did tell the daughter what you
ALL know. The daughter is playing both ends against the
middle hoping to divert attention away from the real problem.
Which is her. It is also going to cause you and your b/f tons
of trouble if she is with you and the cops get involved. With her being a minor and drugs too.
Act Now if he cares for you at all he will get involved and do
And I thought I had problems, the girl needs to go to rehab, you need to try to stay out of it, even though it seems they keep trying to bring you into it. tell your future husband he needs to set boundaries with his Ex and let her know that you have nothing to do with her daughter being so messed up, that she needs to leave you out of it. It is all about control when it comes to those ex women. I had some of the same problems with my man's ex, but not as bad as yours.
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