1. Key on his truck that he loves... [small penis]
2. Tell him I have a STD... =]
3. Sign him up for a gay chat line and talk the guy on the other end up to meet and have a hot chick ask him out to meet in the same place the hot chick will stand him up and he will have an uncomfortable situation to deal with...
4. Have another guy call him and ask him some questions about me as if i was cheating on him.
5. Lower his confidence and self-esteem by telling him how bad sex was, his small penis, and how he sucked at giving head (which is true).
6. Dont answer his phone calls or reply to his text messages.
7. Have another guy answer my phone when he calls which i know for a fact will drive him nuts.
p.s. sorry for all the errors
What is BEST ways to get back at a cheating ex-boyfriend?
Don't do the first one, that's just harsh...
2 would be hilarious but the word might spread and everyone will think you're in denial
3 that would be great if it worked out
4 not that great of an idea
5 ouch.. that would hurt
6 ouch.. that would hurt too D:
7 sounds like a planWhat is BEST ways to get back at a cheating ex-boyfriend?
1. will land you in court so don't do that.
2. that's funny
3. haa haa
4. no that sounds boring
5. that's a good one
6. i would do that after
7. hmmm, you don't want to look bad
2, 3, 5, 6, are the best ones you could all ways do multiple. i think 2 and 5 are a good combo.
but then so is 3, 6 are good.
i can't decide, sorry!
I wouldnt do any of these things, be the bigger person and once he sees how not disappointed you are, it will start to get to him. Handle it with class. i promise if you dont take the high road, you will regret it.
easy just tell him don't worry about his cheating cause you cheated on him first! or you can date his close guy friend :-)
All of the above, get'em gurl!
i like number 7
number 2 will make him kill you lol
hee hee
i like them all
i agree with [Bao]zeR!! go with what he said
I Like #3 Absolutely under no circumstances do you do #1or #2. DO NOT do #1 or #2 He'll probably kill you. For #4 i wouldn't stoop to his level then he'll have something on you if he try to get back with you and you say no he won't be able to say ';You cheated too'; and you have no way to prove that you didn't. #5 i would do that and i would also call or text all of our mutual friends and tell them too. #6 Is too quiet. You want to let him know that he messed up after you let him know that them you can do #6. And finally #7 if you know it will piss him off then hey why not. What i would after all is said and done if he's an annoying stalker that wants to make it up to you and you not feeling it i would have somebody else answer my phone and pretend like its not my number anymore.
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