We've been together for almost a year. He's so over the top sensitive, always needs validation that I love him, won't cheat on him... I don't want to hurt him, but it feels like I'm starting to hate him in a way. I feel like he's weighing on me and making me depressed. I don't know if I should dump him, because I don't want to make a mistake of losing somebody I know loves me. I have no idea what to do!!How to deal with an overly sensitive boyfriend?
Tell him his behavior is tempting you to do exactly what he is afraid of. Ask him to work on it.
I don't think it's fair to dump him when you haven't given him a chance to change his behavior. He might see his ways are wrong and change for the better.
If you leave him, you will only confirm his feelings and he will stay like this in future relationships.
If you love him, help him change.How to deal with an overly sensitive boyfriend?
You should not stay with him just because HE loves you. If you feel that you do not love him any longer, than it would be only fair to end the relationship. Yes, he will be hurt and sad, but he will also get over it. You can't let him dictate how you feel. If he thinks complaining and whining helps and makes him feel better, fine, but you have a right to be happy.....so claim that right
PS: Have you ever tried talking to him about that? Tell him how you feel, regardless of his sensitive side. Sometimes people think that this is a good way to scare people into not leaving them.
Hope this helps a bit
well dont automatically jump to dumping him. If you love him then you have to try to work it out in a way. Talk to him and see how you guys can improve anything. If not then let him know what your looking for and what you want in a man. Maybe there is a reason why is doesnt feel loved by you, for you it sounds dumb cuz you do love him but for him he way take it seriously. My gf had teh same problem and talking it out solved out issues. U just have to make him feel loved i guess
He sounds very needy and wimpy. Is this the kind of guy you want to be with? Perhaps you should consider what *you* want and make the decision then. A mass murderer could love you too, are you going to stay with him just because he loves you? That is not really mature love or the kind of relationship that will last.
you don't have time for a man with baggage. The question isn't should you leave him. The question is what will you do after you leave him
B*Ch slap him and then leave him. I had a Bf like that. It's like he doesn't want me to be happy. So I left him. I am happier.
Sounds more like he's dependent on you. That's not love. Love is a two way street. His cars only going one.
dump him
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