how do you deal? you dont ..
either be swingers or move on.
cant rele change people these days.
sorry hun ..How do i deal with the fact that my boyfriend is cheating on me?
Then its best to dump him he's aloser and doesn't deserve you are you that desperate you'll accept the fact he is cheating on you?
He won't break up with her. Dump him. You deserve better. Don't let him use you like this.
Dump him like right now.
you're such a lovely girl, and your beau does not deserve will surely hurt at first but you'll get better as time goes by..your world should not stop spinning bec. of him..dumped him, girl!
Leave his lying @ss!!! When he proposed to you he was asking to be the one man to cherish, love, provide, protect, and support you for the rest of your life. HOW CAN HE DO THAT WITH A GIRLFRIEND!!!
The fact that you know about it and haven't left him already shows him that he can get away with it. You are better than that, dont put up with it and tell him its you or her and its no more of this ';give me time baby'; s***.
You need to get more involved. Have a talk with this girl and try to resolve the dispute.
He wasn't honest with you from the start, therefore your whole relationship is built on a lie. Why would you want to be with someone who wants to have his cake and eat it too? Get rid of him, and fast.
You need to dump him, because he will not leave her. They have been through so much more than you and him. He's using you. He would do the same to you if you and him did end up together, because he wasnt honest to you in the beginning about having a relationship. When you found out he had a girl, you should have left.
i would dump him
go with your feelings! If you feel that he will not break up with the other girl.... then leave him! I know its hard, But at the end of the day you will be glad that you ended it! because if he didn't break it off he never will! Tell him how you feel, And if that don't work, Go!!!!
r u serious? how can you be so sad and depressed over someone who clearly does not care for your feelings, who is dishonest and a liar. y would you want to marry someone like that? marriage is a result from building a happy and healthy relationship. do you call your relationship happy and healthy? Dont be sad over this jerk. BE MAD! and channel that anger into dumping his stupid ***. honey you deserve someone better. marriage is a big deal. you can't marry someone after you found out they betrayed your trust. i kno i wouldn't. have the courage to end it now. make him feel like an idiot for being so stupid and immature. make him suffer because he knew he screwed up and that he will never find someone like you because you were the best thing that ever happened to him in his life.
LEAVE HIM!! you deserve`SOOO much better! dont marry him hes not worth it youll regret it
IF HE IS CHEATING ON ONE HEWILL CHEAT ON YOU. plz move on. i am not bitter saying this just my opinion if he wants to work on his cheating habbits allow him to do so tell him to call you in 6 months andsee how things are going you have to value yourself if you dont youwill feel real bad when he burns you and you will be saying why didnt i bounce before this craphappened,
dump him or he'll probablly cheat on u while ur married and i woulnt want u to have to suffer through something like that. lots of guys (he's one of them, im sure), after theyre married, start thinking about x girlfriends and comparing u to them and then they resent u and sometimes cheat
Forgive him... and you will have to live with his cheating forever.
Dump him, and you will find a better half.
this is heartbreaking I know, but you need to set your standards high and don't settle for the BS. Dump him, I mean your not even married, thank God this came out before you tied the knot! Time will heal the pain, but you just need to leave the relationship, cause he may love you, but if he has room to care for another girl he has commitment issues. I would stop contact until you get your feelings straight, then you can start a friendship with him if you want.
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