Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to tell if my boyfriend is cheating?

ok here's the deal...

my boyfriend and I have been together for a year now. we broke up once and he went out and slept with this other girl, which i found out about the next day by one of his best friends. and he admitted to it.

months later we were doing really good, i got over it and let it go.

now, my motor in my car recently blew, which was his only way of getting to work and such, seeing as how he sold his before we got together.

2 days after my car blew, he moved out and back to his dads so he could ';save money'; because we live with my mom right now and she was charging us rent, which i was paying for both of us. he never even paid his half of the rent. which was only 100 bucks a month.

he just got his phone turned back on too, he was always using my phone and going through all my texts and phone calls and such, but now that he has his own phone he will not let me touch it, if i pick it up cause he gets a text he freaks out on me. and every time he leaves it laying around i look at it and he deletes everything, which is weird to me, he never did it before

now he has been leaving me at home at night to go to camp, cause its hunting season, but tells me he might go out with some friends. now for some reason he isn't ever answering his phone or even replying to my texts. he tells me his phone is dead, but it still rings, which is obv. a lie because if his phone was off or dead it would go straight to his voicemail, and when he comes over he leaves his phone in the truck.

i don't even know what to do, is following him too psycho? i just want to know the truth cause if he is i'm dumping him. he makes dumb jokes about being with his other ';girlfriends'; but then just says ';im just kidding, i love you too much to do that'; even though he has before.

I'm just sick of being left at home by myself all the time while he gets to go out and do whatever he wants. i have no way of really knowing what he's up to anymore. when he lived with me and i had a car, i was his only way around, but now that he has a truck and moved out he leaves me at home all day and night. i dont know what to do.How to tell if my boyfriend is cheating?
You need to move on even if he isn't. You are not in a healthy relationship, regardless.How to tell if my boyfriend is cheating?
im sorry..he sounds like a jerk. if gently talking to him about it doesnt have any effect then i would start being forceful and tell him how you feel. that doesnt sound fair to me. you should get to have fun too!
You should really get rid of him. He does not deserve you.
u should dump him
well, he's hiding something obviously. Ask him what he's hiding. Sounds to me like hes a lying creep and a cheater. He wants his cake and to eat it too. Good luck with this guy. He won't change. Dump him, or risk getting hurt AGAIN.
Ask him straightforward, ';Are you seeing someone else?'; If he says yes, i would finish him. If he says no, and is telling the truth, don't worry about him leaving you, because he ';Loves you too much, remember?'; So honey, don't be afraid to ask him, if he loved you like he says, he would tell you the truth.

Hope I Helped.
So he knew your phone inside and out, but he won't even let you barely look at it? Girl you know he probably is cheating, but even if he WASN'T cheating, I would break up with him... :( Sorry

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